So You Think You Want to Be a Consultant — Tips and Tricks from a Veteran Consultant

Perhaps it’s because you are an expert in your field, and it makes no sense not to share your knowledge and expertise. Perhaps it’s because you have been told by trusted mentors or colleagues that your talent and personality would make you a great consultant. Or perhaps you really don’t know much about the consulting business, but the title of “consultant” sounds cool and you simply want to give it a try.

No matter what your reason is, it helps to find out more about the consulting business before you dive deeply into it.

I recently had a chance to speak with Tony Noce, a seasoned environmental engineering consultant with close to 30 years of consulting experience.

He described to me the nature of the consulting business, the pros and cons of working for an established consulting firm, and how to find out if you are a good fit for the business.

And he shared tips for getting foot in the door, tricks for handling the stress, and strategies for thriving in the business.

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